Thursday, September 15, 2011


We learned about hour hands. We traced our hands in red for our right hand and green for the left hand. We talked about all the things we can do with our hands. And how our left hands can make the uppercase letter L. They all enjoyed talking about what our hands are used for. And someone even said we can use our hands for picking our nose!  So very true, it made us all laugh!
we made red and green streamers and then we sang the Hokey-Pokey with red and green streamers in our hands. I think it helped them to learn right hands and left hands when they could see the colors. And singing and dancing is always fun!
We sang the funny colored monster song, and learned the finger play I'm a Nut as well as the finger play I'm a Mean old Witch. words are at the end.

* i sent home the October calendar. so make sure to check their backpacks today

As always thanks for letting me teach your little ones! have a good weekend.

MEAN Old Witch
I'm a MEAN old witch with a hat!   (hands pointed together over head)
I fly on my broom with my cat!      (make hands “fly” in the air)
My nose is pointed and my chin is too!    (draw Pinocchio nose, and pointy chin with hands)
You better watch out or I might scare you! (make “claw” hands)
I’m a little acorn round                   (hold hands out in a circle)
Sitting on the cold, hard ground,  (rub your arms like you are cold)
Everybody steps on me,             (pretend to stomp on something)
That is why I’m cracked you see. (Open arms in air)
I’m a nut,                                (knock on your head 2 times)
I’m a nut,                                (knock on your head 2 times)
I’m a nut, I’m a nut, I’m a nut.    (knock on your head 2 times after you say all 3)

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