Wednesday, November 16, 2011

where did the week go?

sorry i haven't been updating every day! i have no idea what happened to the week! we learned about the color blue and the shape of a diamond on thursday by making kites. on monday we learned about the color purple and the shape was a star, we made shooting stars. today we learned about the color pink. and we didn't have a shape to go with it. we made turkey hats instead! they were so funny running around being turkeys and gobbling. it was cute! they were all so specific about the color of feathers they wanted.

we will be having a thanksgiving feast next monday for thanksgiving. i am asking that each student bring one of their favorite foods to share with the class. it doesn't have to be thanksgiving related. just something that they love. it is so fun to see what they decide to bring! in the years past we have had crasins, breadsticks, corn nuts, mashed potatoes, and even beef jerky. lots of fun! if you have any questions please let me know!

i will be sending home a reminder tomorrow so you have all weekend to figure it out. :) as well as the december calendar.

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