Friday, October 7, 2011


Sorry about the late post, it completely slipped my mind yesterday. We learned about the state of Utah. talked about where it is on the map and the kids got to put together a puzzle of the united states. it was simple, and fun.

We started learning our letters this week!  If you are wondering why we started on letter K, we don't learn the alphabet a to z we learn it a little differently here. Our way teaches them to read and write it in a more comprehensive way than trying to master all the letters at once. They already know the alphabet, so they can put the letters in order. But to help them learn to write them we start with our straight letters (k, l, y), circle letters (o and c), then our straight and circle letters (p, b, i), then our hump letters (like h, n, m) and end with the squiggle letters (like s and z). that way they get to learn the letters as their writing abilities improve, straight lines first, then only circle lines, then combining those skills, and then the squiggly lines (those are pretty hard!) so that hopefully when they get to the harder letters, they will have better control of the pencil.

I'm excited to start on letters, they did great with their numbers. it was fun to see them enjoy that! since starting letters, we will also start homework. keeps your eyes open for homework to be sent home. please have them do the home work, and bring it back by Thursday (or earlier) that week. even if they don't understand the homework, you can let them color it. but i know in the past that they really enjoy doing the homework and returning it. they will get a sticker and a stamp on their homework from me. hope fully doing homework and bringing it back will teach them responsibility that will help them know what is expected in Kindergarten, and it will reinforce what we do in class. working with them at home is just as important as learning in class. hopefully together we can help them excel!

i love teaching your kids! have a good weekend!
-miss hanah

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