Friday, May 1, 2009

Keeping Healthy!

In light of this lovely Flu that has been going around, and seeing that although RSV season is over, it's still out and about. I thought I would post so I know we are all on the same page. In an effort to maintain the heath of your little ones, and all of our families, if your child is sick at all, please keep them home. I know that is hard for some of you that work, but it seems that there has been a cold going around for way too long here at preschool. So from now on if you do bring your child to class and they are sneezing, coughing excessively, or have an overly runny nose you will be called to come and take them home. I encourage you all to wash your hands as often as possible. We wash our hands often here at preschool, and use Germ-X before and after snack. We want to keep our classroom as safe as possible.

Also, I will be watching the Davis and Weber County School websites for updates since we have children from our class living in both counties. If they end up closing any of the schools in the Davis or Weber counties, we will close too. So I encourage you to keep an eye out for that as well. In the event that we do close with either of the districts, I will try to get you all an email out as early as possible.

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