Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Community Helpers

The whole class (minus Abby) from left to right...
Alyssa, Brooklyn, Khyber, Nurse Jenell, Axel, Mikel, Bradley, Havannah, Trey
Playing with the glove balloons!
Waiting in line to hear their heartbeat and tummies
Alyssa volunteered to be our patient
Bradley and Trey working hard as nurses

To kick off our Unit on Community Helpers we had a Real Nurse come and talk to our class! And the kids LOVED IT! Jenell brought scrubs, hats, gloves and masks. And that was just to wear! The kids had a ball. She walked them through a doctors office visit. They got to listen to their hearts say thump thump, and their tummies say "feed me!" with her stethoscope. Then they got to check their temperatures with her thermometer. They had so much fun. They got to take everything home. Even a brand new tongue depressor and a brand new syringe. They were the best nurses! Thanks to our guest for coming!

1 comment:

Miss Jackie said...

Totally cute! Havannah LOVED that day. She's talked about it and played 'doctor' ever since! too fun!