Thursday, September 27, 2012

September is gone

It's been a whole month! Can you believe it?! I can't. We have had so much fun talking about our amazing bodies. We made some skeletons, we did some great scissor skills to feed our paper mouths. We did the hokey pokey with our hands. We listened with our ears and watched with our eyes. we smelled different things with our noses and talked about our 5 senses. But I think our favorite part was painting with our feet. (Well favorite for some of us, some of us would rather not have painted with our feet!) but we had fun playing outside anyways!
This month had been a fun one with getting to know each other, playing and learning. And of course being silly!
They have been learning some fun songs. A-Tootie-ta is a fun one. A I'm a nut (I'm a little acorn round). The months of the year (done to the time of the Macarena. Yes we are that cool!) and the days of the week. (Sung to the Adams family tune)
October should be just as fun. We are learning about our big world! Starting with the planets and ending up in our own house.
October calendars were sent home last week. Please make sure you have them. We have a lot going on. Our first field trip on Monday the 8th to black island farms. More information will be sent in an email (instead of posted on the blog).
The kids had a great time doing show and tell. Remember they can bring a toy or something fun to show on Wednesday. I ask that toys stay home on other days. Thanks!
I sent home scholastic book orders this week (also in their backpacks). I'm excited about these. i just love books! If you would like to order something please go online and submit your order. It's the quickest and easiest way to order them. I will be closing the order in the 3rd of October so make sure to get your order in before then. (If you need any help logging in let me know!)
Thanks to all of you for getting the kids to school on time and ready to learn. Thanks for all your help with the snacks! And thanks for letting me teach your kids!
I just can't wait to jump into October!
-miss Hanah

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