Wednesday, May 2, 2012

where did April go? and important info

I have NO clue where April went. It's gone and I never updated you all on what we did. we had fun learning about gardens and how they grow and what fun things you can grow in a garden. Sorry i didn't send out more updates!

with May here, I will let you know we are learning about opposites and will be working on our class graduation program.
Each child will have a part to say in the program. I will send the parts home so they can practice them. (they are short I promise!) I am sending home an invitation with the program details.
Monday the 7th is backwards day and crazy hair day! Clothes backwards and hair wacky. and yes you can reassure your child that even Miss Hanah will be silly.
We are also going to have CLASS PICTURES on Wednesday the 9th. We will be taking them the first part of class on next Wednesday. Please make sure your child comes dressed ready for pictures. :) Miss Ashley, Dax's mom will be taking them for us. I'm excited about them!

so make sure you check your child's backpack for reminders. I don't want anyone missing this information. I can't believe the end of the year is so close! makes me a little sad! I'm going to miss these cute kiddos!