Friday, October 28, 2011

colors and our party

Thursday we learned about our colors. we made some fun little Halloween books with all the colors. they did such a great job! then we got out our rice buckets, and got to dig for treasures. they enjoyed that!

we had lots of fun at our Halloween party too! played Halloween bingo, and pin the eye on the monster. we made ghosts, and acorn people. we sang silly Halloween songs, trick or treated to each other, and ate spider snacks. it was really fun. they looked so cute in their costumes!

just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday Oct 31. I will see you all on Wednesday November 2nd. have a happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

your address, my address

Yesterday we learned about our address' we drew pictures and then put them in an envelope with our address on them and took a walk to the mailbox where we put them in and sent them off! so watch your mailbox for a letter! they were so excited about it. a few of them even knew their address!

we are learning about the letter Vv this week. as in Vampire! :) speaking of... our Halloween party is tomorrow! (Wednesday the 26th) make sure your little cutie comes dressed in their Halloween costume. we will also be trick or treating to each other so please send something to share. it doesn't have to be a big thing, regular Halloween candy works great! there are 7 kids total in class. I'm excited it should be fun!!

see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

what's your phone number?

today we learned about our phone numbers. It was fun to see that a few of the kids already know their phone numbers! we pasted the numbers of our phone number in the correct order. the kids did really great! a few of them even wrote the numbers on the paper too. make sure you practice this over and over with them at home. it is one of those things the will need to know for kindergarten (and their address too)

our letter of the week was Tt. they did really great at writing these. then we tip-toed around the room. we have been working on pencil holding. please make sure when they draw or color at home they are understanding how to hold a pencil/crayon/marker. there in no right or wrong way, however is most comfortable to them, but they need to have control of the pencil. i tell them in class that they are in charge of the pencil and if they aren't holding on it won't ever do what they tell it to!

we also made spider hats today! Halloween is such a fun holiday!

i hope you all had fun at the pumpkin patch (and hopefully you have all defrosted!) it was fun to see you all there!

we DO NOT have school tomorrow for UEA weekend! so go out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!
next Wednesday is the Halloween costume party! have your child come all dressed up! and please bring a treat to share as we will be trick or treating to each other. we will play games and make a craft and have a great time!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Home and Family

We finished this week by learning about our houses on Wednesday and our families on Thursday.

We listened to the story the Three Little Pigs and then talked about what house was the strongest. we then talked about our houses and what they look like. then we took paper bricks and talked about how they are rectangle shaped. then we made patterns out of them. ab ab (black, red black, red) patterns and aab, aab (red, red, black, red, red black) they did great learning patterns. i will keep working on it with them though. then we used the bricks to make a house.

on Thursday we talked about families and how they are all different. they told me all about their aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents, and sisters and brothers, and moms and dads, and pets (you get the idea here?) there was a lot of talking! these kids love their families. it was really cute! we family bowled! we wrote family members on bowling pins and they got to knock them all down. they had a blast! we also did the bean sorting station.

don't forget the field trip to the pumpkin patch is on Monday! those of you who haven't gotten me the money please make sure to drop it off this weekend or make sure to bring it on Monday morning. (they only take one payment from the school) it starts at 930, see you all there!


Monday, October 10, 2011

my neighborhood!

We learned about our neighborhoods today. We talked about the city they live in and all the things that make a city, a hospital, a library, a grocery store, houses, roads. then we made a book about our city.

we worked on our math, colors, cooperation and fine motor skills and sorted beans from a large bowl into piles of correct colors. they had so much fun and i don't think i have seen them more concentrated on something! it was great to see them work at it.

I sent homework home in their backpacks. as i said before, have them bring it back when they are ready. I will send home a new worksheet every week.

The pumpkin patch field trip is next Monday the 17th. please let me know if you are able to come, if you haven't already. it is $4.00 per child (any child) and $2.00 per every adult coming. make sure to get the money to me before the field trip as they will only take one payment on the day of the field trip. and that way i know who is coming.

and lastly, don't forget that Wednesday is show and tell!


Friday, October 7, 2011


Sorry about the late post, it completely slipped my mind yesterday. We learned about the state of Utah. talked about where it is on the map and the kids got to put together a puzzle of the united states. it was simple, and fun.

We started learning our letters this week!  If you are wondering why we started on letter K, we don't learn the alphabet a to z we learn it a little differently here. Our way teaches them to read and write it in a more comprehensive way than trying to master all the letters at once. They already know the alphabet, so they can put the letters in order. But to help them learn to write them we start with our straight letters (k, l, y), circle letters (o and c), then our straight and circle letters (p, b, i), then our hump letters (like h, n, m) and end with the squiggle letters (like s and z). that way they get to learn the letters as their writing abilities improve, straight lines first, then only circle lines, then combining those skills, and then the squiggly lines (those are pretty hard!) so that hopefully when they get to the harder letters, they will have better control of the pencil.

I'm excited to start on letters, they did great with their numbers. it was fun to see them enjoy that! since starting letters, we will also start homework. keeps your eyes open for homework to be sent home. please have them do the home work, and bring it back by Thursday (or earlier) that week. even if they don't understand the homework, you can let them color it. but i know in the past that they really enjoy doing the homework and returning it. they will get a sticker and a stamp on their homework from me. hope fully doing homework and bringing it back will teach them responsibility that will help them know what is expected in Kindergarten, and it will reinforce what we do in class. working with them at home is just as important as learning in class. hopefully together we can help them excel!

i love teaching your kids! have a good weekend!
-miss hanah

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our Country

At preschool today we learned about our country. We found America on our globe and then talked all about it. We talked about the Pledged of Allegiance that we have been working on learning (oh they are so cute when they say it!) and counted all the stars on the flag. The kids got to make their very own flags out of scrap paper. They got to make them how ever they wanted. some made them just like the American flag and some came up with different ideas. then they showed them off to each other. we talked about where we live in America.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Today we started our unit on Our Big World! We started out by learning about the planets and will end up all the way to our houses and our families. It should be a fun month!
We learned about our planet today. They told me things they already knew about Earth like why it's green and blue. and then learned new things. They had a ton of questions and it was so fun to help answer them. Some of the things we talked about were: if the sun goes down where we live does it stay "sunny" or does it go to sleep too? why does the earth not fall out of the sky? (this sparked a great conversation about gravity. we had fun experimenting if things would respond to gravity or not. and of course jumping up and down to see that we will just fall right back down because of gravity! who doesn't love to jump?!) is the earth bigger or smaller than the sun? what about the moon? Then we talked about how there are many other planets out there, and how you wouldn't want to live on them! But how they are so different from our planet.
We talked and talked and had so much fun learning. Then we practiced our scissor skills with our project. We made our very own 'Earths". they had a ball just cutting away at the paper. (And no one cut themselves! Always makes for a great day! Yeah!) we talked about land and water and where we live and how there are a ton of people who live on earth and where they could live.
We got the globe out and they all had a chance to look at it and try to find land or water. (everyone was very curious about where Santa lives... they must be excited for Christmas!)
***We are going to the Pumpkin Patch on Thursday! We are so excited! Black Island farms is located at 3178 S. 3000 W, Syracuse, UT 84075. Field trip starts at 9:30 and we are going on a hay ride to begin with so don't be late! The cost is $4.00 per child (any child, siblings included, that is coming and will be getting a pumpkin.) and $2.00 per adult. I need a count by Wednesday of who is coming and how many kids you are bringing with you. They only accept one payment for the whole group so all money needs to be paid to me before the field trip. i will email out more details, but it is super fun! one of my favorite field trips of the year! lots for the kids to do. send me an email or a text saying if you are coming and how many kiddos you are bringing with you. ***
 if you have any questions please let me know!!

EDIT!! Field trip has been moved to MONDAY THE 17TH!! apparently it is supposed to rain buckets on Thursday, so it was canceled (yes they called 2 seconds after i posted here) but I snagged a spot on MONDAY THE 10TH! same instructions, same time, just new date. :)