We are working on improving the behavior in our classroom. In order to do so I am implementing a new reward system. I think the kids will enjoy seeing how being good, and listening, pays off for them personally. This system goes into effect today, Monday October 26th. I am introducing this in class; please go over it at home with them as well. The new guidelines are listed below:
At the beginning of every class the kids will start out with their frog in the Green. To keep their frog right where it is they have to listen to Ms. Hanah and be nice to their friends. If they choose not to listen to Ms. Hanah or they choose to be mean to one of their friends they will get a warning from me telling them that the behavior needs to stop, and they will have to move their frog over one space. This still keeps them in the green. No problems.
If they continue to be disruptive during the class they will get a privilege taken away (playing with that particular toy, sitting by their friend, etc) and have to move their frog into the Yellow. If they disrupt again they will have to sit on the thinking stair for 5 minutes and have to move their frog to the last yellow spot.
If by this time they still feel like being disruptive in class they will have to move their frog into the Red. With this move they will sit on the thinking stair, and a letter to the parents will be sent home with them. If all else fails and they insist on not listening, the last move of their frog will put them at the edge of the chart and I will call their parents (you) to come and pick them up.
I really, really hope that I never have to call parents to come and get their child, but if I do have to call you, and end up doing so more than once, the third time your child will not be welcome at preschool any longer.
On the happier side, every day your child is able to keep their frog in the green (anywhere in the green) they get to put a marble in their jar! When they get 6 marbles in their very own jar, they get to pick a reward for being so good! The rewards will be either a candy (one that’s worth the work) or a toy of some sort. And the rewards will be changed every so often so they kids stay excited about this.
I am excited for this. I hope that all of you will be too! I hope this solves a few of the problems that we have been having lately. I know some of you have expressed concerns in the last week, and this is my solution to it.
I love working with your kids, LOVE it! And appreciate you giving me the chance to do so. I am grateful that you feel comfortable expressing your concerns to me, and that you have confidence in me to find a solution.
Thanks for all you do at home to help your child to learn. They are great kids, and we are having a great time learning!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm finally going to school this year
and now the big day's almost here.
I'll learn to write and count and read-
Only TWO more days till school!
I got new pants and shirts and socks
a brand-new red and blue lunch box.
I'll paint and sing and dance and play-
Only ONE more day till school!
My hair is washed, my sneakers squeak.
I'm so excited, I can hardly speak!
New things to do, new friends to meet-
Hooray! It's the first day of school!
Written by -Leslie Kimmelman.
I can't wait to see all of you on Wednesday!
-Ms. Hanah
and now the big day's almost here.
I'll learn to write and count and read-
Only TWO more days till school!
I got new pants and shirts and socks
a brand-new red and blue lunch box.
I'll paint and sing and dance and play-
Only ONE more day till school!
My hair is washed, my sneakers squeak.
I'm so excited, I can hardly speak!
New things to do, new friends to meet-
Hooray! It's the first day of school!
Written by -Leslie Kimmelman.
I can't wait to see all of you on Wednesday!
-Ms. Hanah
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Update on Dates
Hope you are all enjoying your summer! I know I am. Now if it would only stop raining! Here's a few details for the new school year starting this fall. We will have our back-to-school night on Thursday Sept. 3rd at 6:00 pm. More details to come. Then the next Monday is Labor Day the 7th, and then Wednesday the 9th will be our FIRST day of school! I hope this helps.
Enjoy your summer!
Enjoy your summer!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
You’re Invited!
What: Our Preschool Graduation
When: Wednesday May 27th
Time: 6:00 pm
Where: at the Preschool
Who: Everyone!
Please come and help us celebrate all of your child’s hard work this year.
We will be doing a short program of some of our favorite songs,
Then the kids will graduate.
Please feel free to invite anyone who would enjoy seeing your little one graduate!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Keeping Healthy!
In light of this lovely Flu that has been going around, and seeing that although RSV season is over, it's still out and about. I thought I would post so I know we are all on the same page. In an effort to maintain the heath of your little ones, and all of our families, if your child is sick at all, please keep them home. I know that is hard for some of you that work, but it seems that there has been a cold going around for way too long here at preschool. So from now on if you do bring your child to class and they are sneezing, coughing excessively, or have an overly runny nose you will be called to come and take them home. I encourage you all to wash your hands as often as possible. We wash our hands often here at preschool, and use Germ-X before and after snack. We want to keep our classroom as safe as possible.
Also, I will be watching the Davis and Weber County School websites for updates since we have children from our class living in both counties. If they end up closing any of the schools in the Davis or Weber counties, we will close too. So I encourage you to keep an eye out for that as well. In the event that we do close with either of the districts, I will try to get you all an email out as early as possible.
Also, I will be watching the Davis and Weber County School websites for updates since we have children from our class living in both counties. If they end up closing any of the schools in the Davis or Weber counties, we will close too. So I encourage you to keep an eye out for that as well. In the event that we do close with either of the districts, I will try to get you all an email out as early as possible.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
"Hopping" back to school!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Community Helpers
The whole class (minus Abby) from left to right...
Alyssa, Brooklyn, Khyber, Nurse Jenell, Axel, Mikel, Bradley, Havannah, Trey
To kick off our Unit on Community Helpers we had a Real Nurse come and talk to our class! And the kids LOVED IT! Jenell brought scrubs, hats, gloves and masks. And that was just to wear! The kids had a ball. She walked them through a doctors office visit. They got to listen to their hearts say thump thump, and their tummies say "feed me!" with her stethoscope. Then they got to check their temperatures with her thermometer. They had so much fun. They got to take everything home. Even a brand new tongue depressor and a brand new syringe. They were the best nurses! Thanks to our guest for coming!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Community Helpers!
We are so lucky to have a guest coming on Monday February the 2nd. (this coming Monday!). She is bringing some fun, fun, fun things to teach us. I can't wait. Please make sure you are there on time!
We are also going to the Layton Fire Station! February 4nh! I will be sending home reminders on Monday with the time and exact details.
See you MONDAY!
We are also going to the Layton Fire Station! February 4nh! I will be sending home reminders on Monday with the time and exact details.
See you MONDAY!
Monday, January 19, 2009
We are going on a Field trip to the Syracuse library Wednesday (the 21st)! I hope to see all of you there. It should be fun. Meet there at 10:00. It should be over by about 11 (or so they tell me). The library is right on 2000 W. just south of the new city building. See you then!
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